Discipleship System Overview 2024
Discipleship Strategy
Reproducing for the glory of God!
Our Discipleship

D1: The Basic Christian Boot Camp (D1) introduces new believers to the foundational aspects of the Christian faith, emphasizing the importance of community and spiritual growth through discipleship. It begins by explaining the believer’s new identity in Christ, highlighting the transformation that occurs with spiritual rebirth.
Deepens understanding of personal transformation in Christ
Establishes lifelong spiritual habits (prayer, Bible reading).
Encourages connection with a supportive Christian community.
Strengthens resilience against temptation.
Fosters a sense of purpose and direction through service and sharing faith.

D2: The Discipleship Boot Camp (D2) focuses on cultivating the seven marks of a committed disciple, using the acronym F.A.I.T.H.F.U.L. Each week covers a key element, beginning with following Christ’s compelling leadership and building a strong allegiance to Him.
Fosters a deeper commitment to Christ through consistent reflection and action.
Encourages spiritual growth through self-denial and devotion to God’s Word.
Develops Christ-centered stewardship and sacrificial living.
Strengthens the ability to love universally and serve as a testimony to others.
Prepares disciples to lead and inspire others in their walk with Christ.

The D3: Season of Life Boot Camp (Men and Women of Destiny) is a comprehensive discipleship program designed to guide men and women in fulfilling their God-given roles, glorifying Him in all stages of life.
Spiritual Maturity:
Helps participants grow in spiritual authority, humility, and holiness, aligning their lives with God’s design.
Relational Health
Personal Integrity:
Resilience and Healing:
Deeper Intimacy with God:
Biblical Knowledge:

The D4: Reproducers Boot Camp equips ministry leaders and committed believers with the knowledge and skills to become disciple-makers, focusing on fulfilling the Great Commission by training them to reproduce disciples effectively.
Empowers participants to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples who make disciples.
Strengthens relational skills and deepens Christian fellowship.
Provides a structured process for reproducing biblical teachings in others.
Equips leaders with the ability to mentor others and create a sustainable discipleship model.
Fosters a deeper understanding of core biblical content and its practical application.

The Turbo Disciple Maker Class is a 9-week program designed to equip participants to effectively disciple others in Destiny Church’s one-to-one discipleship process. Using the NEXT curriculum as the foundational content, the class focuses on both the material and the relational skills required for successful discipleship. Participants are trained in spiritual facilitation skills such as active listening, asking meaningful questions, providing accountability, and leading through difficult conversations.
Equips participants with both biblical knowledge and relational skills for one-to-one discipleship.
Fosters a deep understanding of spiritual growth, Scripture, and prayer.
Builds confidence in managing difficult conversations and providing accountability.
Encourages spiritual multiplication and a disciple-making culture within the church.
Provides practical tools, guides, and resources for long-term success in disciple-making.